The graceful holiday town of Helensburgh was named after the wife of Sir James Colquhoun, who founded the town at the end of the 18th century. Handsome buildings, wide elegant tree-lined streets, long promenade and attractive parks and gardens create a pleasantly distinguished atmosphere.
The town is easy to get to and less than an hour from Glasgow by road and train, and also lies on the West Highland Railway Line.
Helensburgh is a gateway to many outdoor activities including the Argyll Kayak Trail, Wild about Argyll Cycling Trail as well as the walking trails including the John Muir Way and the Three Lochs Way which takes in Loch Lomond, The Gareloch and Loch Long. If travelling by car make sure you explore the Clyde Sea Lochs Trail, taking you into the heart of coastal communities to the south west of Loch Lomond.
Read about the launch of the Top Up Tap in Helensburgh on the Scottish Water website.